DATE 15/10/2012
Integrating EFL, Art and Science
The first
class of this week was really productive. We talked about the importance of
repetition in order to make the children get familiar with the word and
pronunciation. Moreover, working with images helps too. One of the relevant part
is make them participate in the tasks.
The teacher
showed us some resources we can use to improve English using subjects like Art
or Science. We can do it with all the subjects we prefer, and the idea is take
advantage of everything. For example, we worked with some Picasso’s paintings, in
order to talk about some animals we know.
The National
Gallery in London* is a perfect example to see how we can link English with other
areas, in this case Art. A program called Take
one picture** is, where every year they choose one painting from the
gallery and propose some curricular content to work with primary children.
Can we work with this kind of programs with children under 6 years old? I
think it’s perfectly possible, using for example simple paintings or make them
to create their own ones.
The teacher showed us a collection of books Animals in Art. I spy… with some art paintings
from different artists combined with a simple identification animal game. For my
future as a teacher for young children, I think that this kind of books are
really useful because they don’t contain so much words and are really illustrative
for them.
DATE 19/10/2012
Book Trailer
The second class was focused in Book Trailers, which I had never heard of it before. The teacher showed us some examples and different kind of book trailers, created by professionals and by children.
The second class was focused in Book Trailers, which I had never heard of it before. The teacher showed us some examples and different kind of book trailers, created by professionals and by children.
Now, in groups, we have to create our own book
trailer using different tools following the story of the book Dog’s Night.
I think that this is a good idea to animate
children to read and have fun with books. Moreover, books trailers incite you
to find out what’s the story of the book is about. Definetely, I take note of it for my future.
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