Didàctica de la Llengua Anglesa

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

WEEK 2                                                                                                                          
DATE 08/10/2012      
What makes a good teacher?

In this class we start with the question What makes a good teacher? Following this question we started to associate adjectives that describe it:

Passion, energy, kids and the relationship between them, confidence, comfortable environment, interacted experience, etc.

For me, one of the most important is the confidence the teacher has in front of his job. He has to believe in it and being sure of all the steps he does. However, the energy and dedication every day will not be less important.

After different tasks, some individual and some in group, we talked about teachers roles, and I think is an important part to consider:

  1. DIAGNOSTIC: Finds out the needs and interests of students
  2. PLANNER: Chooses materials and/or methodology before the course or lesson
  3. MANAGER: Manages students and activities during class time
About the questions raised and after the tasks my question is: Does a good teacher exists or depends on the students?

At the end of the class we read different quotations about education and teaching. In groups, we chose the five sentences we really like. Personally, I felt identified with the next one, because I think that reflects clearly the task of the teachers until the students finish their process:

As we don’t have class on Friday, I’ve continued working on my Personal Learning Environment. I customized it and added more different resources. Is a really useful tool to have as a future teacher, keeping all the resources together. 

This is how it looks like now:

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